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the Baba on the tubesSubmitted by TheBaba on August 10, 2010 - 5:02pm.
I am now spewing random and sporadic thoughts on video games and gaming related matters at gaming.thebaba.com. To consume more generic sporadic musings from the mind of the Baba, follow @theBabaZ on the Twitter. Also, I recently found a poem I'd never bothered to post here. If you're interested pyramid is now online.
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( categories: The Universe )
Flipside twenty-ten: Post-Apocalyptic PromSubmitted by TheBaba on July 7, 2010 - 3:20pm.
By all accounts across the internets the Post-Apocalyptic Prom was a resounding success. The effigy and burn were the best I've ever seen. The new location was also overflowing with most-awesomeness - trees and shade everywhere, great water and generally burner-friendly all around. BAD continues to shine with our people, our bar and our snowball fight. Willie and I built huts this year and brought a ginny to power some AC. Initial construction was a bit rough, but having a sanctuary from the heat was a big hit. There are a few pictures of the huts if you are curious. There are most excellent pictures at one.flame.in.the.fire and from Jose Ole on Flickr. Now, at this point, you're probably asking Where the hell are your notes from Flipsides 2008 and 2009? Well, they're in my head but my analog-to-digital converter's been busted for a while and they never made it out. Flipside 2009 was good, as far as I can remember. Last one out at Flat Creek Crossing, and the first for my brother, Willie. It was where he learned that everything was a front. We didn't get to burn, but had fun anyway. Our cousin Marcus and our friends Daniel and Leah had their first Flipsides as well. Sean stomped through half the place and Willie damn near got mauled by a massive hamster wheel. The snowball fight was awesome, as usual. Whip it, whip it good. Flipside 2008? Don't remember much - I must've had a good time.
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( categories: Life )
It's almost Flipside 2008, wtf about Flipside 2007?Submitted by TheBaba on April 10, 2008 - 12:30am.
Since my mad musings about Flipside 2006 have been headlining here for, like, ever, I thought it best to share a thought on Flipside 2007 before Dr. Tiki's Combustible Medicine Show actually happens. SO! What about Flipside 2007? Flipside 2007 was wet. Really fucking wet. Seriously, it rained a lot. Also, we manufactured a snowball fight. -Fin- login to post comments
( categories: Life )
Things burned into my brain at Flipside 2006Submitted by TheBaba on May 29, 2006 - 10:08pm.
Flipside was brought to the Baba by camp Beer and (Arcadia) Darts, home of the Happy Barrel Monkey Lucky, the glowing throwies (sorry Andy, forgot the real name) and the glowing throwie tree, the iScream truck, the Rain Room and the Hippie Hunting Blind. — thanks for the great times guys and gals! Important things I learnt
Quick Highlights
Moral of the Story
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( categories: Life )
SXSW 2006 is DONESubmitted by TheBaba on March 22, 2006 - 4:07am.
That's right, its all over now, baby blue. Check out my complete SXSW 2006 Recap and Review for notes on all the shows I saw. AustinMusicMonkey also has bonus coverage from SXSW volunteer and Rhinestone Cowgirl Scarlett O'Terror: 10 Things I Learned from Volunteering at SXSW login to post comments
( categories: The Universe )
South by Southwest 2006 is NOWSubmitted by TheBaba on March 14, 2006 - 2:05am.
South by southwest 2006 is here. I'll be covering SXSW06 at Austin Music Monkey all week. Past SXSW recaps and reviews are there too.
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( categories: The Universe )
Other Babas in My UniverseYes, I am the Baba, and yet, through the magic of global telecommunications, I now find that there are other Babas out there. Fear not, for I would not deny Baba-ness to any existing being in my great and vast Universe. Here is a short survey of some of the other Babas and Baba-related things that have found their way onto the Internets. ( categories: The Universe )
INDULGE!Submitted by TheBaba on June 10, 2005 - 4:53pm.
Now is the time when I welcome you to theBaba.com ( categories: Everything )
QuoteThere are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo - use in that order. Slashdot
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